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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Patoss 2017 Handouts

Looking forward to presenting the Spring Lecture for Pattoss Notingham on Tuesday 28th March – 6.30 for 7.00pm.  My title is “get it right for Dyslexia – Get it right for all” and I will be modelling   whole class, solution based strategies in response  to the following issues:

  1. Can’t seem to remember from one moment to the next/easily overloaded
  2. Think better than they read – or read better than they think
  3. Great ideas, talks a great narrative but hates writing it down


Evidence validated Dyslexia Aware best practice will be at the heart of this interactive presentation, with a particular focus on solutions for students without formal labels but with very clear “Dyslexic type” learning needs.

The handouts for the presentation can be found here.

Handout 1

Handout 2

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Rarely have I felt so inspired at the beginning of new school year and so focused on what I know I must do. The feedback from staff about the training that you delivered yesterday was extremely positive and I really believe that we will see a lot of your ideas in action very quickly. Thank you on behalf of us all. I know the time you spent with us yesterday will make a difference to the students at ……… College.
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