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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Courses I offer

Leading on the Inclusion Development Programme Training Opportunities for Inclusion Teams and Schools

For Inclusion Teams - whole day training on using the IDP to lead schools towards established and enhanced practice

For schools - half day consultancy for lead team to develop a sustainable training programme which wraps the IDP around the school, followed by a twilight CPD session for all staff to kick start the training programme and engage "hearts and minds".

The training for both groups will include: Navigating the DVD using the shortly to be published  "IDP DVD navigation toolkit"

  • Hot tips to locate and utilise the most effective areas
  • How to extract material from the DVD to create compelling power point and training activities

IDP and School Improvement Planning - using the IDP to promote and achieve whole school priorities - how to wrap the IDP around the school

Linking the IDP with current priorities - ECM, AfL, Personalised Learning, alternative evidence of achievement, tracking - to develop a coherent approach to help individuals with Dyslexia/SLCN without always giving individual help

Dyslexia and SLCN demystified - looking for comorbidity and developing effective classroom responses as part of Quality First teaching

Establishing the imperative for responsive "notice and adjust" strategies among "non-specialist" teachers

Developing and enhancing effective "strategies" - presenting a range of whole class approaches to personalise the learning of pupils with SpLD/SLCN and secure alternative evidence of achievement

Modelling successful CPD activities  for use by Inclusion Teams, Heads and SENCos to engage and motivate staff

Removing Dyslexia as a Barrier to Achievement

The Dyslexia Aware School day which focuses on meeting the needs of dyslexic learners in the mainstream classroom.  This training carries the opportunity to achieve the "Dyslexia Aware School Quality Mark.  This can also run as an afternoon consultancy session with key staff and a twilight event for all staff.

Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

For SENCos and Local Authority staff, with a particular emphasis on supporting participants to develop and deliver compelling CPD in their own schools and organisations.

Removing Diverse Needs as Barriers to Achievement

Widening the training to meet the needs of pupils with AD(H)D, Asperger's Syndrome, Dyspraxia and Speech and Language issues

Inclusion through Mind Friendly Good Practice

This day demonstrates how to respond to learning needs through the identification of learning styles/preferences, using this knowledge to differentiate by outcome as well as task

Maximising Achievement through Personalised Learning

Pulls together threads from current legislation and demonstrates how to harness the power of personalised learning across the ability range

Can't Write…Won't Write

A day focussing on meeting the needs of reluctant writers through multi sensory approaches, with  a special emphasis on kinaesthetic techniques

Managing Teaching Assistants at Key Stage 3

This day can operate at two levels,  for SENCOs within an LEA or as whole school training regarding "best value" approaches to working with TAs. 

Raising the Achievement of Vulnerable Learners

Leading  the whole staff to develop policy and practice to address the ECM objectives - effectively leading teams towards personalising the school response in a way which reflects a school's unique situation while pulling together a range of initiatives and imperatives - Personalised learning, Excellence and Enjoyment, the new Primary Strategy etc, guided and informed by OFSTED and SEF - into a coherent response

Courses for Teaching Assistants

Managing the learning and behaviour of small groups (1)

Concrete strategies for working across the full range of learning needs in primary and secondary together with practical approaches to develop spelling, study reading, numeracy and getting ideas down on paper.  This course is accredited and credits are available towards a foundation degree.

Managing the learning and behaviour of small groups (2)

A higher level course which focuses on inclusion and differentiation through learning styles and preferences.  TAs will be supported to identify learning preferences, to audit materials and approaches to address a range of preferences  and harness them to present alternative evidence of achievement.  This course is accredited and credits are available towards a foundation degree.

Courses for Parents/Carers

Working with your child at home


Practical strategies to support the development of study reading, spelling "tricky" words and getting ideas down on paper

Courses for Students

Developing writing skills

through mind friendly good practice (suggested ages 7-13)

Developing study and revision skills

Learning to remember through specially tailored courses for Year 6 and Years 10, 11 + 13

I particularly enjoy planning "bespoke training".   I will be very pleased to discuss your training needs and to put together a programme which addresses key issues for your school development and improvement. You can get in touch with me here

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Latest News

Teacher Conference Boosting the Inclusive Quality of Your Lessons

A whole day workshop for teachers on Boosting the Inclusive Quality of your Lessons

Supporting your Child with their Learning at Home

An evening session for parents of struggling learners

Client Feedback

Thank you for all your hard work on Friday – the Conference was a huge success, thanks to you and many people said they would have happily listened to you all day.
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