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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Articles Archive

The Four Rules of Syllabification

Article Category - Dyslexia
Four simple rules that enable students to control the sounds that single vowels make in syllables

Get it right for Dyslexia, get it right for all 5

Article Category - Dyslexia
The day will include: -Morning session: keynote address by Neil Mackay -Afternoon workshops (Workshop A on the use of Clicker 7 to support pupils with literacy difficulties, Workshop B with Neil Mackay)

Notes from Dyslexia Scotland Conference 2013

Article Category - Dyslexia
This article contains a précis of my keynote together with notes from other aspects of this excellent conference. My notes from other aspects of this excellent conference are also included ,together with slides from my hand-out as promised to delegates.

Keynote - Dyslexia Scotland Perth

Article Category - Dyslexia
My keynote presentation identifies key classroom adjustments that have been introduced into schools in South Ayrshire through my training courses as part of the local Dyslexia Friendly Schools initiative. It also seeks to introduce a paradigm shift away from Dyslexia as a disability and towards viewing Dyslexia as a preferred way of learning – effectively acknowledging the right to be Dyslexic and our obligation to teach our students in the ways they prefer to learn. I will be modelling three classroom based strategies which are “Dyslexia Aware” and which have a positive impact on the learning of all individuals in a classroom. My slides for the presentation will be posted on the Dyslexia Scotland website and also on this site, technology permitting!

Demystifying Dyslexia

Article Category - Dyslexia
It has been suggested recently that that Dyslexia does not exist, a view which has managed to gain considerable publicity in recent months. The argument is flawed because it is based on a very narrow definition of Dyslexia, basically linking it to the acquisition of reading skills

Dyslexia Difficulty or Difference?

Article Category - Dyslexia
The accepted view of Dyslexia as a specific learning difficulty may have been a major cause of under achievement among students and low expectations among teachers for the past two or three decades.

Defining Dyslexia

Article Category - Dyslexia
Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty
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Client Feedback

A fantastic afternoon & SO very timely for us as we had planned this very week to introduce Reciprocal reading to our Primary 3 classes! I will absolutely take your point on board about technology in particular dictionaries and see how we can find a way to integrate this more....... Thank you for discussing things with us - we will be incorporating the writing techniques from tomorrow starting with a session on brainstorming :) Leigh Wilson-Brown
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