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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Articles Archive

Resources for Ayr Schools May 15-18 2017

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
Available resources for my upcoming work with Ayr Schools.

Feed Back from Dyslexia Friendly Schools Training in Ayr

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
Images relating to out of the box 'feedback'

Understanding Dyslexia

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
From my counterparts in South Australia. A power point shining a light on Dyslexia and creating a dyslexia friendly classroom.

TV Interview with Today Tonight

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
A short interview following observed teaching in a school in Gawla South Australia

The School that I would like

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
Imagine a school which acknowledges that all children learn in different ways and in which teachers harness the power of learning preferences to optimise teaching and learning

Dyslexia - disability model insulting to dyslexic learners

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
Having just returned from New Zealand after launching the Dyslexia Foundation's Action Week it is interesting to read your coverage on the Rose Report presenting dyslexia as a disability
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Teacher Conference Boosting the Inclusive Quality of Your Lessons

A whole day workshop for teachers on Boosting the Inclusive Quality of your Lessons

Supporting your Child with their Learning at Home

An evening session for parents of struggling learners

Client Feedback

The feedback has been great from the staff. More importantly one of our staff who has struggled previously has hit the ground running this year. There have been immediate spin offs from the PD with staff keen to let me know where some of the simpler strategies are already being used in class.
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