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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Articles Archive

Peer tutoring - developing the mantle of the expert

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A short extract from my new book Total Teaching

TES Handout - Working Memory

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Handout from the Working Memory Workshop presented at the TES Show October 2014

Handouts form Differentiation Workshop TES 2014

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Handouts from the workshop

Successful Strageis for Struggling Readers and Writers

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Two days of opportunities to observe inclusive teaching strategies and take part in plenary sessions at Seven Oaks School Christchurch NZ

Raising the Achievement of Low Prior Attainers through Thematic Approaches

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A new training event which supports teachers to respond to the challenges of the new Curriculum, the new Code of Practice and OFSTED

Dyslexia De-mystified

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An evening event for parents and teachers

Successful Stragies for struggling Readers and Writers

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I will teach four 90 minute lessons over two days with classes at Seven Oaks School in Christchurch, New Zealand with teachers and Teacher Aides observing. Each lesson will be followed by a plenary to unpack the learning and the evidence base behind the techniques employed.

How aboriginal children perceive maths

Article Category - News
While the article discusses how to embed Indigenous Australian knowledge and practices into the Australian national curriculum effectively - particularly the maths curriculum, the significance goes far beyond the shores of Australia
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Teacher Conference Boosting the Inclusive Quality of Your Lessons

A whole day workshop for teachers on Boosting the Inclusive Quality of your Lessons

Supporting your Child with their Learning at Home

An evening session for parents of struggling learners

Client Feedback

I shared the ideas and methods that I learned in the course with my colleagues in a sharing session after the final examination in the 2015-2016 school year. I recommended colleagues to attend this course as this is the most stimulating and inspiring course that I, as a teacher with more than 20 years of experience, have ever attended. Not only is the course presenting theories, it also introduces a lot of practical teaching ideas, teaching aids and resources such as websites to colleagues. I will suggest the principal to allocate funds and human resources to build up teaching materials and aids such as vocabulary writing cards with sound boxes, alphabet arcs and clothes line and pegs for sentence building, etc.
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