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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Articles Archive

So you think your child may be being bullied

Article Category - Lets Talk
Bullying is totally unacceptable - there area no circumstances in which it should be tolerated because nobody has the right to hurt others by hitting them, excluding them from friendship groups, calling them names, spreading rumours or doing anything that is deliberately intended to hurt or upset them.

So you think your child may have problems with behaviour

Article Category - Lets Talk
Nobody can actually control someone else's behaviour - it is impossible! Fortunately it is possible to manage situations that the behaviour does not occur or to change one sort of behaviour for another.

So you think your child may have problems with homework

Article Category - Lets Talk
Homework probably causes more tension within families than any other issues relating to school. While parents need to understand that schools set homework because they are required to do so, the amount and nature of homework set is up to the school and the teacher.

Demystifying Dyslexia

Article Category - Dyslexia
It has been suggested recently that that Dyslexia does not exist, a view which has managed to gain considerable publicity in recent months. The argument is flawed because it is based on a very narrow definition of Dyslexia, basically linking it to the acquisition of reading skills

Dyslexia Difficulty or Difference?

Article Category - Dyslexia
The accepted view of Dyslexia as a specific learning difficulty may have been a major cause of under achievement among students and low expectations among teachers for the past two or three decades.

Defining Dyslexia

Article Category - Dyslexia
Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty
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