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Neil MacKay
Dyslexia Friendly Strategies & Support

Articles Archive

DEtails of TES SEN Show at the Islington Business Centre

Article Category - News
SL33 Removing dyslexia as a barrier to achievement Saturday 12 October 2013 12.30 - 13.30 SL22 Dyslexia and Asperger's syndrome: complimentary sides of the same coin? Friday 11 October 2013 15.30 - 16.30

Brochure of training and consultancy opportunities for the coming academic year

Article Category - News
The training and consultancy opportunities outlined below are designed to support and enthuse schools which are committed to meeting the needs of struggling pupils who may not meet the criteria for extra support.

Back to Australia on Monday

Article Category - News
The Dyslexia Aware Quality Mark is taking off in the Barossa. Schools have engaged with the Quality Mark through whole school training and the active support of the Department for Education and Child Development (DECD)

TV Interview with Today Tonight

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
A short interview following observed teaching in a school in Gawla South Australia

Notes from Dyslexia Scotland Conference 2013

Article Category - Dyslexia
This article contains a précis of my keynote together with notes from other aspects of this excellent conference. My notes from other aspects of this excellent conference are also included ,together with slides from my hand-out as promised to delegates.

Keynote - Dyslexia Scotland Perth

Article Category - Dyslexia
My keynote presentation identifies key classroom adjustments that have been introduced into schools in South Ayrshire through my training courses as part of the local Dyslexia Friendly Schools initiative. It also seeks to introduce a paradigm shift away from Dyslexia as a disability and towards viewing Dyslexia as a preferred way of learning – effectively acknowledging the right to be Dyslexic and our obligation to teach our students in the ways they prefer to learn. I will be modelling three classroom based strategies which are “Dyslexia Aware” and which have a positive impact on the learning of all individuals in a classroom. My slides for the presentation will be posted on the Dyslexia Scotland website and also on this site, technology permitting!

Workshops in New Zealand and Australia

Article Category - News
Off to New Zealand again in May for workshops on North Island.and on to Australia for a 5 state lecture tour during the first two weeks in June

The School that I would like

Article Category - Dyslexia Aware Schools
Imagine a school which acknowledges that all children learn in different ways and in which teachers harness the power of learning preferences to optimise teaching and learning
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Teacher Conference Boosting the Inclusive Quality of Your Lessons

A whole day workshop for teachers on Boosting the Inclusive Quality of your Lessons

Supporting your Child with their Learning at Home

An evening session for parents of struggling learners

Client Feedback

The combination of your address to the plenary session at the start, working with individual departments and your presentation to parents and others proved to be remarkably successful. Indeed, overall, it was one of the most successful visits of its kind I have ever seen. Moreover the way you engaged with our staff, some of whom have been quite resistant to some of these notions was outstanding. It is a real gift you have and I thank you for your work with us.
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